4. Johhny-Come-Lately

The One Ear Man entered the classroom at precisely 7:35 a.m. Students start trickling in at 7:45. The schedule states the class begins at 8:00 sharp simply because of the way the contract between the students and the college reads.

A fascinating observation; something that the One Ear Man has seen happen over the years. There is a similarity between a church and a classroom. In both, it begins to fill from the back of the room. It never starts to fill up from the front. Years ago, when the One Ear Man was a novice at teaching he made it a point to care about the space between himself and the students. He actually took the podium, and with the help of a burly young woman, (I caught you on that one dear reader. You expected to read ‘burly young man’), between the two of them moved the podium to the back of the room and had everyone turn their desk around! Boy, were they surprised. The One Ear Man was unconventional then and still is. Students call him an “un-teacher teacher” because of such unorthodox behaviour.

I must move forward here. This is supposed to be a short story. Indeed.

Anyway, at precisely 8:00, the One Ear Man brought up the attendance sheet on the computer and marked everyone present, save one. The individual not in his seat has a habit of being late. Today is no exception. But when he arrives late, he always seems to have a story to tell. Some are far-fetched.

Johnny-Come-Lately did show up...eventually. It was 8:20. Yes, he has a tale to tell. It is a doozy. It usually is, I must say.

“I am sorry that I am late, One Ear Man. But, I do have a tale to tell, and it is a doozy, ” says Johnny-Come-Lately.

“Please go on. I am most interested, and I’m sure the entire class is as well.”

“Well,” states Johnny-Come-Lately slowly as he tends to think on his feet, “my morning starts with all good intentions. But my bus was late. Or maybe I was late for the bus. But, come to think of it, I believe it was a little of both. The bus arrives at the stop late, and so did I."

All of the class began sitting on the edge of their chairs waiting for Johnny-Come-Lately to get on with his story. It sounds like a doozy is coming.

“The bus was late, I suppose because the roads are icy and quite full of snow! Not a snowplow in sight I must tell. Not one. At any rate, the bus was jammed packed. I suppose that is a result of it being so late. I was required to wait for two ‘express’ busses before finally being able to squeeze on one.”

“Then you arrived at school?” The One Ear Man ventures to say.

“Oh no,” says Johnny-Come-Lately. “There is more.”


“As I said, the bus was crowded like sardines. We nicely got underway, and there was a significant bump on the side of the bus. BANG! Everyone heard it, and there was no doubt what it was. A car had slid through the intersection and hit the bus. Many people were shaken up. People were yelling. Kids were screaming and crying. I must say that things were chaos. Things were a mess I must say.

The bus driver quieted things down and then asked everyone individually if they were injured. Many indicated they were. The driver handed out a short form to be completed. Naturally, not many had access to a pen or pencil. So, people shared. Being a student, I gave out my five pens. One was my absolute favourite. I’m sure you recall it. My blue Parker. I never saw come back to me. I am really going to miss my favourite pen.”

“Could you please get on with your story!”

Johnny-Come-Lately paused to either catch his breath, collect his thoughts, or both. Knowing him, it was probably both. He loves the attention.

He continued, “People were getting off of the bus and gathering just outside of both doors. There was a nurse amongst us. He scurried to-and-fro doing what our class learned about yesterday, a triage.”

“Gee, it is nice that you were listening yesterday,” said the One Ear Man.

Johnny-Come-Lately smiled knowingly. “Soon the ambulances arrived, and the paramedics set out about their business of stabilizing people and getting them off to hospitals. This was all quite an education for me, a budding healthcare professional, as you can well imagine. I introduced myself, and they allowed me to help, to my ability of course. It was kind of a practicum.”

Johnny-Come-Lately paused.

The One Ear Man thought for a moment, and said, “Very well put. Let’s put it to a student vote. Shall we mark Johnny-Come-Lately present based on the fact that he was on a sort of unexpected practicum?

A show of hands rose to vote.


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